Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Death Threat

Posted by Anonymous. Shocking but it shows the kind of people I'm dealing with. Well if that happened at least we would have a prime suspect. Paying for a hit man would get you life anyway. This is the very last time I will say it. PL has absolutely nothing to do with the creation of this blog. I've never met him or spoken to him or emailed him.
You are all dunces and PL should avoid all contact with this blog and Sandy McManus as these kinds of death threats have to be taken seriously.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A few things for you to remember, Paul, in your final few days.

“One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.”

In your case, you can hardly hope to achieve that one, can you? Reliving your crooked days will almost certainly cause you to squirm, even as you make the journey downwards.

And there's also this, from a certain Oscar Wilde:

“One can survive everything nowadays, except death, and live down anything, except a good reputation.”

In your case, Paul, the second part will never be applicable. So just read the first bit!

the tefl enquirer said...

the last rattles of a really venomous snake indeed-

a creature like you SandyMad (or shall i call you Mr AlexCase)is prone to outbursts like this in a moment of blind rage- you will, of course, once I have been through the list, have plenty of time to repent your vileness as you languish in a cell- i mean you have really DONE IT this time-

do you really think that i cannot match all of your fuck-witted rantings and bile with better retorts and superior invective?! Do you also REALLY think that I will not now visit ALL possible LISTS and get them on to your rank scent??

you have severely miscalculated Sandymad

you have lost yourself in the pathetic back-allies of the internet blog world-

but you can now be moriarty to my holmes -

i am superbly, supremely calm- are you?

The SandyMad seems to be winning over the AlexCase currently, but i suspect that the OLD BILL will be equally interested in both "Heads" of this Gorgon

also mr ssssssssssssburglAr will cease laughing now we have a fully fledged criminal offence on his hands

the tefl enquirer said...

paul lowe (yes the real one) says

well if death is "walking behind me" Mr McMad, he had better hurry up a bit, hes still light years behind in every sense of the word.

Anonymous said...

Paul, you sad fucker - take a look at yourself! I know it's painful, but take a good hard look.

All you have in your armoury are empty threats and pathetic sabre-rattling. Oh, and a list of schools in the UAE. And a few names of totally innocent people.

Good start, Holmes!

Paul, the whole TEFL world is looking at you and laughing. Enjoy your infamy while you're still about!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe someone was stupid enough to post a death threat. Also can't believe that Paul was stupid enough to post that bizarre comment after telling the police about this blog