The name is probably taken from Sandy (as in desert) and McManus from JP McManus the famous Irish Horse owner. Sandy must enjoy a flutter with Paddy Power (the bookies)
The latest profile:
- Nationality: Irish Catholic, from Derry
- Age: mid 40s
- Studied at Queen's University Belfast and also took an MA in Applied Linguistics in Edinburgh.
- Has a PGCE in FE.
- Worked as an EFL teacher at a number of schools in England including a summer school on the south coast
- Is married
- His wife is from Kasaksthan
- Has children
- Worked for a number of years at HCT (Higher Colleges of Technology) in Abu Dhabi as a teacher of English.
- He probably still lives in Abu Dhabi but may have moved to Dubai over the Summer
- His IP addresses for HCT and Dubai are listed on this blog.
- May possibly have a passion for Harley Davidson Motorbikes
He has a passion for literature and is very well read. The vulgar racialist bigot is probably not on public display and is a persona he uses on some of his blogs. He is capable of rational and articulate argument and his real life persona is probably completely different to his on-line persona.
He has ambitions to being a freelance journalist, whether on-line or in print and is capable of writing articulately and intelligently. The Sandy McManus persona that we know of on-line is probably a fictional character that he has invented.
The easiest way is to find an English teacher with a wife from Kazaksthan having lived in the United Arab Emirates for many years and you will have almost certainly found Sandy McManus.
Any information leading to a positive ID would be welcome. He has libelled with impunity, using many different aliases many people over the years and we want him to stop.
If the death threats posted on this blog are genuine it is important that he be located urgently.
thanks for this- it goes straight to dave at the thames valley police cid
So Paul is online, posting here and emailing me at almost the same time as usual. I see you remembered that you are claiming he libelled you now, Paul, even though you couldn't remember a few hours ago.
"I will have the assurance of knowing that you will not ever dare libel me again."
Your comment. On this blog. How could you say that and now say that he has not libelled you? Two possible explanations:
- You've forgotten your own cover story, and no one should take anything you say seriously
- You are lying now, in the same way as you have broken all your promised about taking David's details down etc, and so no one should take anything you say seriously
You are right about one thing, though. You are wasting your time. Not mine, though, because I have got much amusement and a great blog post out of it.
this last is, in fact, the relevant point!
also the exquisite irony of this situation grows and grows as it seems noone will accept the fact (which as the blogowner says)
he and i are not one person but only he and i know it- you really couldnt make this up!
if mr case were not so culpable in various ways as a supporter and general sympathiser with the dark side, i would almost be tempted to surgically remove him from his other sandymcmad conjoined twin!
how long will the pantomime go on of the blog-owner and myself being one person run? it almost becomes comical, a little light relief from death threat against me for once
"cover stories", "blog postings", lots of general amusement-
one thing remains true throughout all the banter, the jolly quips (mainly weak) and the desperate hopes that the world in general have any interest in this small-time nonsense.....
mr mcmadness has been rumbled and will be getting his come-uppance
A pantomime would the right word but for the number of death threats which are beyond the pale of civilized behaviour. I have taken screen shots of every posting made so if anyone deletes any of their sick posts (especially the death threat ones) I'll just repost the scan as I did with the Billy Bee posts which he tried to remove.
I want everyone to see the depths of depravity of the world of Sandy McManus.
And Mr. Alex Case the dunce.
You haven't the guts to post anything about this blog on your tefltastic site as you'd just look stupid wouldn't you?
Idle theats.
Once a dunce always a dunce!
"If the death threats posted on this blog are genuine it is important that he be located urgently. "
The death threats are only genuine in the sense that you posted them yourself, Paul. However, if you really do have a suicide wish, please don't let us stop you (this time).
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