Friday, 26 September 2008

What If?

I have said many times that I am NOT Paul Lowe.
Read the sick comments on this blog from the dunces who are convinced that I am.
What sort of people are they?
Not very nice is the answer and Sandy McManus is NOT fit to be a teacher in the UAE
This is why Sandy McManus must be exposed.
Just imagine. What if I am NOT Paul Lowe? Read the abuse directed at this man who has NOTHING to do with this blog. This shows how narrow minded vulgar and sick Sandy McManus is.
The United Arab Emirates should track him though his IP address and get rid of him.
He works in the UAE and yet he mocks you and insults you.
What if?


Anonymous said...

Not sleeping, Paul? You're up very late these days, busy making laughable blog-postings.

Guilty conscience keeping you awake?

Anonymous said...

'Not very nice is the answer and Sandy McManus is NOT fit to be a teacher in the UAE
This is why Sandy McManus must be exposed'.

Read through that again. What the hell are you talking about ? It's nonsense.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know about you guys, but using capital letters and bold for the word "not" has convinced me. I was almost swayed when he just used capital letters a week or so ago, and then it was the use of bold that made me lose my last doubts.

Anonymous said...

oh woeful architrave

Anonymous said...


Yes, Paul - You've been promising the same for the past 18 months or so, but you never seem to make it. What's up - can't you find your passport? Got lost on the way to LHR?

There's only one loser round here, and his initials are PL - Pathetic Loser!!

Keep on taking the pills, wuncha!!

Anonymous said...

That will be the Paul Lowe who has nothing to do with this blog but sent me an email saying he was going to get round to going through his list of schools. Surely he means Michael Flynn's list??

Michael Flynn said...

Why don't you just post the email I am supposed to have sent you Alex?
Does it exist?
And where has Billy Bee (Sandy) gone? Is he still in hiding or has he already lost his job and gone to Kasaksthan and living with the relatives.
Any day now Billy.
Why don't you complain to David's English Teaching World? That wouldn't be your blog would it? You did once say that you were going to split yourself into four.

Anonymous said...

See the last line of the main text.

Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 19:25:09 +0100

well the time has come, as the months have passed, it has become irrepressibly gagging its way into the open- case-mcmanus, mcmanus-case........ maybe the two yawn-worthy and, candidly, pedestrian, players (as they view themselves), on the hackneyed tefl trade circuit have become one in the imagination- there is no popular imagination for them, since they do not strike up that far- but they have merged and gelled in the minds of the odds and sods that drift in to their purview.... (words can be looked up in a DICTIONARY for the very simple-minded)

so, in order to make the most of this (un) historic moment i have determined to coin a name which covers these two lamentable and contemptible traders in pre-judgement and prejudice

the name is (forename) SandyMad (Surname) AlexCase- so Mr SandyMad AlexCase is BORN!!!!

from now on i will be posting prodigiously all over the net and the middle-east sorry SandyMad, i haven't had the chance to deal with THE LIST yet but tomorrow i will devote time-

stay tuned.......


Case closed, I think. If your mission is so justified, Paul, why do you have to hide behind a fake name? Haven't you been guilty on this blog of everything you have accused Sandy of?

the tefl enquirer said...

re: Mr Sandymad Alexcase

well the time has come, as the months have passed, it has become irrepressibly gagging its way into the open- case-mcmanus, mcmanus-case........ maybe the two yawn-worthy and, candidly, pedestrian, players (as they view themselves), on the hackneyed tefl trade circuit have become one in the imagination- there is no popular imagination for them, since they do not strike up that far- but they have merged and gelled in the minds of the odds and sods that drift in to their purview.... (words can be looked up in a DICTIONARY for the very simple-minded)

so, in order to make the most of this (un) historic moment i have determined to coin a name which covers these two lamentable and contemptible traders in pre-judgement and prejudice

the name is (forename) SandyMad (Surname) AlexCase- so Mr SandyMad AlexCase is BORN!!!!

from now on i will be posting prodigiously all over the net and the middle-east sorry SandyMad, i haven't had the chance to deal with THE LIST yet but tomorrow i will devote time-

stay tuned.......


the tefl enquirer said...

guilt, court cases, the law of the land, the establishment- the tragedy of ignorance is not knowing what you don't know-

are you supporting the establishment that you have learned at your (lop-eared) mother's knee, only to recant it on various occasions -when an aimless and unfocused thought drifts in to your excuse for a brain- to argue with what you have learned?

it takes a regular kind of imbecile to just NOT appreciate the glaringly obvious, but a startling example of the deluded and deeply unwholesome to seek to be a judge in a world barely understood on any level at all-

monocellular beings like Mr MadSandy AlexCase are way down on the chain of being and cannot judge anything very much, and thus should be ignored.

those with two cells sometimes seek out a more exciting existence but need the group support of other duo-cells

thus the symbiotic nature of the Very Simple but aspiring-to-cross-the species-barrier, like these two, are spewed out of the primal soup

they earn their keep, poorly, with desperate spurts of anger like " you won't get any further wanker.. " or somesuch or "knob-cheese" such talents no?

any "anonymous" posting is Mr Mad-ACase

"Maty" is another waste of flesh and we can get at him in grimjournoland

someone called shaun unless he is another Mcmad off-shoot, is so palpably a long-recorded saddo-failure that from this moment on he will be ignored forever

(Mad)case opened and closed for now

Anonymous said...

So, dear Paul - "Maty" is another waste of flesh and we can get at him in grimjournoland"

Really? We're compiling quite a case against you. And now you're issuing threats against me personally? Unfortunate, to say the least.

My advice is to cease your childish and pointless vendetta against those who choose to highlight your choice of business methods. Remember, I do know the laws of libel - much better than you do!


Michael Flynn said...

Go for it Matty. Sue PL. You may be a muckraker but that email is bizarre. What is grimjournoland anyway?
Whoever wrote that (assuming the other comments above are genuine) needs help.
You're barking up the wrong palm tree. I did not write any of that garbage and those kind of sick comments are the very reason this blog exists as Sandy has been doing similar kinds of things for years.
But two wrongs don't make a right.
Why can't you get it into your heads that I am not (or NOT) PL?
Here we have another reason that this blog exists. You idiots are always so convinced that you are right that you ridicule any other opinion.
You just can't ever imagine you may be ever wrong can you?
What arrogance.
Where's Billy?

the tefl enquirer said...

posting on here produces more many-headed gorgons than you can poke a stick at

the tefl enquirer said...

who is writing on here as Paul Lowe? he has had enough stick over the years and needs a break

Michael Flynn said...

I give up.
You get an intelligent reply and still ridicule it.
Michael Flynn has one objective and that is to expose the racialist vulgar bigot Sandy McManus.
Anyone who wants to contact PL can now do so directly as Alex has posted PL's email address.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I might conceivably be a 'vulgar racist bigot', but at least I'm not a crook and a swindler, like you are, Paul! And I have friends and colleagues, rather than your rather dubious 'contacts' and a long list of victims.

We hold opposing views on the human race, it seems; but at least I manage to uphold some of the virtues of the more beneficial elements of our race, whereas you, PL, are only too eager to swim with the rats and pose as a vulture - animal!!

Michael Flynn said...

mm, I might conceivably be a 'vulgar racist bigot', but at least I'm not a crook and a swindler, like you are, Paul!

So we have it on record. Sandy finally admits that he is a 'vulgar racist bigot'.

It is also a fact that I am not PL which gives you a problem doesn't it Sandy. It would be easy, as you've tried to do, to put this blog down to the demented ravings of someone who is mad and a 'crook and a swindler' and you as the exposer. It's not so easy is it if I'm not PL.

I'm enjoying every minute of your discomfiture and for the very last time I am definitely not PL and I am not mad. You haven't a clue who I am.

I have never ever forgotten you from that summer school. You were insufferable then and you are even worse now.

Anonymous said...

"You get an intelligent reply..."

And where, Paul, is your reply to my comment? When you write with the Michael name on your blog a list of schools and then write from your usual Paul email address that you are going to deal with your list, how can people come to any conclusion but that this is your blog? I hardly think pretending you are a humble summer school teacher is going to convince anyone, as you clearly say on this blog that your aim is to stop Sandy libelling you. When exactly did Sandy name and libel a summer school teacher?

Michael Flynn said...

Firstly Sandy worked in summer schools many years ago.

Secondly I never said I was a teacher.

Thirdly, It was an attempt to flush out the name of a summer school where he worked as I have a list of a few names where he probably worked and I am so so close to him but need a name. Not too smart on my part, as he pointed out immediately that if I had known him from a Summer school I would have automatically known his name.

Have I ever said he libelled me? I don't remember ever saying he did although he has certainly libelled many others.

I don't like his methods or his language or style of putting people in the modern day equivalent of the public stocks. A self-appointed judge jury executioner all rolled into one.

I have never had any communication labelled THIS IS FROM PL whereas there was that comment from the former owner of ELSE who is now happy growing tomatos.

If you want to believe I'm PL then good as you are just wasting time that you could spend trying to find out where I am and why I am doing it. The PL denial from me on this blog is not in my interest. However no matter what he has done I believe PL has paid the price for his sins and should be left in peace as long as he doesn't start conning people again.

Anonymous death threats are unacceptable and criminal and just make me even more determined to continue .

I have no idea who wrote it. I hope it wasn't Sandy.

Anonymous said...

What a load of utter wank. PL, your supposed intentions of bringing justice and punishing the vile miscreant Sandy McManus are simply a lie. Nothing you say holds any water whatsoever- all is contradicted by your attempts to use lies to 'flush' people out (nice) and your attempt to ruin the lives of SmcM's children.
If you did that to me I would be very cross and grumpy, Paul. Very cross and grumpy indeed.

Anonymous said...

The reason why you cannot remember saying on this very same blog that you wanted to make sure he didn't libel you again, Paul, is that you are getting your own cover story mixed up. Same as when you responded to a comment of mine about an email from Paul Lowe with "where is this email from me" with your Michael Flynn pen name, and the same way as you keep on referring to Michael Flynn in the 3rd person.

Anonymous said...

Who cares whether MF is PL or not?
What does matter is that the evildoer in the Middle East is hunted down, surely?

from Mrs Sandy Pauline Lowe Mcmanus