Friday, 12 September 2008

Alex Case - TEFL Hero?

"Talking of barking up the wrong tree, does that mean you were making exactly the kind of false accusations you have been accusing Sandy of in your first few posts? If so, surely a retraction and apology to whoever Mr Kerr is is in order" Alex Case

I'd love to hear from David Kerr Alex.

Why hasn't Silly Billy Bee told him?

Tough one that? Dunno innit er wot no "mate". Even Shaun the Yawn can work that one out, so why ask AC ? Or should I refer to you as NC (Nutcase)? After even more publicity Alex? Well you've got it.

All I can hear from Sandy though is deafening silence. Your vulgar racialist bigot is now cowering and hiding in some hole, scared stiff. Bullies need people like you Alex Case. A bully on his own has no audience, is starved of oxygen and shuts up. You publicise and give credibility to Sandy and are therefore equally culpable.

What a coincidence that the one and only MR ALEX CASE (take a bow Alex) posted that comment. I've been thinking a lot about you lately and will no doubt find time to deal with you later. I assume you've now left Shane schools in Japan and are feeling nicely pompous in some Korean language school.

I suppose you are the same as Sandy. You are both losers and this "hero" role makes you both feel big and full of self-importance. How do you think Dave Sperling felt when Sandy described him as a "Yiddo". I'd call that sick and anyone who supports or finds that funny as equally sick no matter what your faith.

Sadly, I don't think you're a TEFL hero Alex , unlike the stupid moron who wrote the rubbish below does. You are unfortunately part of the problem. It is Alex isn't it? You found Billy Bee, Dr Kim and the totally warped Shaunie characters funny, you admired Sandy McManus and are a pathetic creature for supporting such a slime bag. Stick to grammar and keep your nose out of the sewer.

Is this is the kind of moronic drivel you support? ........

"Fledgling EFL bloggers like me who are interested in good EFL blogging will probably keep coming up against 2 names - Sandy McManus and Alex Case. So who’s the best?.............

I’ve never laughed out loud more often than when reading this blog. Sandy can be cruel but by ‘eck he’s funny. His searing invective can leave you breathless and desperately trying to stitch your sides back together. This blog is more concerned with exposing TEFL shysters and the ridiculous side of the business. Pretentious DoSs, dictator owners and crap teachers all get both barrels in these posts, but it’s sooooooo funny. The more so for experienced teachers who, like him, have been around the block a few times. Sandy is just as seasoned and qualified as Alex and what he needs to do is somehow import his old posts into the archives of his new one so that new bloggers don’t miss out on the posts of the past. Not to do so would be a great shame.

What made his original blog unique I thought was this weird cast of characters who added their comments. I hope some of them return. With names like Shaun Ryder, Dr Kim and various others, the comments and his retorts were sometimes as funny as the blogs…

So what’s the verdict in the battle of the bloggers. Perhaps you can let me know. From what I can tell, they both admire each other. I’d have it an honourable draw, but to be honest it’s not really comparing like with like. There are some very funny efl blogs out there now - but to pretenders to Sandy's throne - and perhaps in his words - they can F*** 0ff!"


Anonymous said...

Ah, so it is Paul Lowe- you manage to keep the ranting under wraps and make me think you have one ally for a couple of weeks every time and then your real voice comes through.

Anonymous said...

No surprise really, is it? PL has no mates - we all know that. Who has ever come to his defence? Zilcho.

The B&B business must be slow at this time of the year.

Michael Flynn said...

Go to the back of the class Alex Nutcase and join that TEFL dunce Sandy McManus.
You are both TEFL TWITS.
Of course I'm not Paul Lowe you idiot.
If he's really as ill as you sad losers say he is, would he really care?
No of course he wouldn't.
I do though. I care a lot and mocking Paul Lowe and celebrating his demise (as Sandy did in one particularly sick post) is beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

Paul, go back and look at the first few posts on this blog and then look at the language of this last one. Then compare the language here to comments on my blog. Add to that the fact that only one person has ever launched campaigns against both me and Sandy.

I can see why you are bitter when all your schemes such as this one fail, but do you really think attempts at revenge are the best way of improving your mental health. Do you not think helping people for free and so being thanked and making friends is a better way to go? If writing TEFL articles to help the teachers your organisations train and employ really gets so much contempt from you, may I suggest charity work, or even religion?

Anonymous said...

"Tough one that? Dunno innit er wot no "mate". Even Shaun the Yawn can work that one out, so why ask AC ? Or should I refer to you as NC (Nutcase)?"

Paul Lowe for sure. Isn't using lots of different online names another thing you have criticized other people for, Paul?

Michael Flynn said...

Paul, go back and look at the first few posts on this blog and then look at the language of this last one.Then compare the language here to comments on my blog.

The contents of the letter PL apparently sent Sandy were widely circulated on the Internet. I can remember being shocked at the vulgarity and wondering if it was really from PL. If the language used was from him then that would back up the rumours of an attempted suicide.

To mock someone suicidal is however simply sick. I've read all about PL's shenanigans and the TEFL Trinity thing and if true then he has rightly been removed from the TEFL scene.

I can't say I have read the letter he sent you but if the language used was similar then he sounds like the guy he was - someone on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

So Sandy and Alex win. To kill someone off commercially if they deserve it is a fact of life. To gloat over the corpse and celebrate a possible suicide is however sick.

You have once more totally missed my point. I'd call that being a dunce. Wouldn't you?

Add to that the fact that only one person has ever launched campaigns against both me and Sandy.

What a stupid step in logic. Unfortunately for Sandy, I am not PL, comforting though that theory might be and Alex I hold you equally culpable for cheering from the sidelines at Sandy's racialist bigotry. Sandy has a long list of enemies and Sandy will probably lose his job as I now know so much about him. I made him a genuine offer which he turned down probably thinking that I was going to sue him. Wrong.

Michael Flynn has prepared a massive mailshot with high resolution scans of all offensive postings ever made (and now removed by Sandy but too late) to send to the authorities in the UAE.

It's not however too late for Sandy to follow the instructions I gave him but time is really running out and I am not bluffing.

When I push the "send" button there will be no turning back. If I were Sandy I'd send the true payslip scans and ID as he has nothing to lose. But then if I were Sandy I woudn't have got myself into this situation to begin with.

Michael Flynn said...

OK you win.
I rest my "Case".
Paul Simon Lowe. So Billy Bee it.
I bow to your greater intellect.
I'd email him though (be nice). The presence of this blog might well aid his (sorry "my") recovery.

Anonymous said...

Paul, just delete this blog and get on with your life. I'll delete and get on with mine. And we both pledge to shut up, and stop hurling stones at beach other - OK?

Your step now.

Michael Flynn said...

Sandy. I really couldn't care less about your blog ( or Paul Lowe.
Keep it or create another one (minus the bigotry, vulgarity and racialism) I am not bothered.
I am NOT Paul Lowe and I am pleased that his fake Trinity TEFL scam has been stopped.
It's your identity I want to know for certain and then I'll close this blog down.
I am getting tired of all this and otherwise will just do my mailshot.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was convinced of the logic of my arguments and then you used NOT in capital letters and totally defeated me

Whatever. What the basic thing boils down to is if people should support Sandy or not. I think it's a simple choice, and therefore I will describe it in simple terms so everyone else can make up their minds.

Bill Clinton is a womaniser. Being a womaniser is wrong. It appears that George W Bush is not a womaniser, but if it was a straight choice between them, Bill Clinton without the womanising not being available, which one would you choose to run America?

Sandy MacManus is a racist. Racism is bad. Paul Lowe is, it appears, not a racist- if only because he feels equal contempt for everyone outside his family, especially everyone else in TEFL. Given a straight choice, (and it is a straight choice because no one, least of all the authorities and real journalists at the Guardian etc, is doing anything to watch over people like Paul), which one would you choose? Unfortunately, the choices do not include a Paul Lowe that has stopped issuing threats against me or has stopped charging people for worthless services ( or, on the other side, a Sandy that has lost the mammoth chip on his shoulder against half of humanity, but we are forced to choose one of these sides and not to do so is as irresponsible as letting all other voters choose your national government.

Sandy helped uncover a convicted child molester working as a kids' TEFL teacher. What have you done that is more important than that (I often ask myself the same thing)? Sandy's first blog got an article mourning its passing in the EL Gazette- will your blog (or mine) be marked in such a way?

As I said, it is a simple choice and I support Sandy. That includes practical support. I have already emailed three cool, blog-reading bosses who owe me one asking them to give him a telephone interview so we can get a back-up job set up for him. If that doesn't work I'll ask the readers of my blog to do the same, or even reconsider that school manager job I was offered and employ him myself. Not that he needs my help (what are the chances that you could stop every school and university in the world from employing him?), but I feel like I should do something to stop your evil machinations.

Michael Flynn said...

Articulately argued Alex and I may well respond as you raise important issues.
What a pity that you had to end it with the words "evil machinations".
I too think that Sandy (minus the chip on his shoulder) has a role to play albeit of a more serious nature.
If you can accept (difficult though this may be) that I genuinely mean him no harm but need to be certain of his identity for reasons I have already stated then this (in my opinion) is self preservation not evil.
I can not tell you the background to this spat for obvious reasons but if you knew then you would understand.

Anonymous said...

If you stated the reasons, I must have missed it. Can you restate?

Anonymous said...


As you are quite clearly Paul Lowe, I already know the background for this spat

Anonymous said...

As you did take the time to approve my comments (thanks for that), but did not give an innocent reason for wanting Sandy's true identity, are we to assume that evil machinations is in fact accurate?

Michael Flynn said...

But you wrote "As you are quite clearly Paul Lowe, I already know the background for this spat"

So you know the background. Therefore you can only need help with the definition of "spat".

I hope this clears things up.......

Thesaurus: spat


1. A discussion, often heated, in which a difference of opinion is expressed: altercation, argument, bicker, clash, contention, controversy, debate, difficulty, disagreement, dispute, fight, polemic, quarrel, run-in, squabble, tiff, word (used in plural), wrangle. Informal hassle, rhubarb, tangle. See conflict/cooperation.
2. A quick, sharp blow, especially with the hand: box2, buffet, bust, chop1, cuff, punch, slap, smack1, smacker, spank, swat, whack. Informal clip1. See attack/defend, strike/miss.


1. To engage in a quarrel: argue, bicker, contend, dispute, fight, quarrel, quibble, squabble, tiff, wrangle. Informal hassle, tangle. Idioms: cross swords, have it out, have words, lock horns. See conflict/cooperation.
2. To hit with a quick, sharp blow of the hand: box2, buffet, bust, cuff, punch, slap, smack1, spank, swat, whack. Informal clip1. See attack/defend, strike/miss.

Which spat can it be? Sandy has had so many spats hasn't he which I know makes things tough for you guys.

Anonymous said...

As slippery as only Paul Lowe can be. Please answer the question:

"but need to be certain of his identity for reasons I have already stated "

If you have indeed already stated please restate or give a link to where you have done so. If not, please do so.

Anonymous said...

Well? Having difficulty thinking of a plausible innocent reason Paul?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Paul needs to be certain of Sandy's identity bcause he doesn't want to make a mistake when he rolls out the tanks and the fighter planes to turn sandy into pulp.

In his dreams....

Anonymous said...

"will no doubt find time to deal with you later"

The old vague-threats-making-up-for-a-lack-of-real-ammunition tactic, what a Paul Lowe classic! Later, meaning in a later life perhaps?

Michael Flynn said...

will no doubt find time to deal with you later

Just a joke Alex. I read that you are giving your books away as you have moved from Japan to Korea. Book Dealer! Get it! Bad joke.

I've got a better one you might like.

A rabbi is sitting on an airplane next to a Korean guy. After they have been flying together in silence for a while, the rabbi leans over and says, "You know, I've never forgiven you Chinese for what you did at Pearl Harbor."
The Korean looks shocked and replies, "What the hell are you talking about?!?!? It was the Japanese the bombed Pearl Harbor, not the Chinese. And besides, I'm not Chinese or Japanese, I'm Korean!"
The rabbi says, " Korean, Japanese, Chinese, what's the difference?"
A little while later, the Korean man says, "You know, I've never forgiven you Jews for sinking the Titanic." The rabbi looks confused and mad and says, "What are you talking about? The Jews didn't have anything to do with that! An iceberg sank the Titanic!"
The Korean guy replies, "Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, what's the difference?"

Anonymous said...

Do you ever tire of shooting yourself in the foot? What happens to all your self-justified comments about Sandy being a racist now after you have told a racist joke? Going to delete them all?

Or was it an idiotic attempt to try to get me to write something racist? I can see why you would have to try such desperate tactics, as despite your "Alex Case Using English Hate crimes" blog from about 6 months ago (no idea if it is still there) you have been unable to find a single racist thing I have written. You know why- because I haven't. And if you'd care to follow me around with a notepad for the next 40 years (as you clearly have nothing better to do), you will find that I never say anything racist either. Perhaps you'd like to try and get me prosecuted for spelling mistakes this time? Or I can think of an ex girlfriend who would be happy to join you in a quest to have me prosecuted for dumping her by email. Otherwise, good luck finding even a parking ticket in my name.

Anonymous said...

"will no doubt find time to deal with you later

Just a joke Alex."

Good luck mentioning that next time you risk prosecution for wasting police time at the Thames Valley police- "I did say I would kick his head in if he didn't do what I said, melud, but it was just a joke so I guess that is okay"

In an email from Paul Lowe at his usual email address today:

"in this last few weeks mis-identifying me almost hourly as someone else on the web"

So, he has been reading this blog for the last few weeks but even now after sending me that email he has neither written a comment here nor complained to the owner of the blog about allowing me to comment and claim the blog is by him, something he has done countless times before (unsuccessfully) with blog owners who are far less likely to be sympathetic to such calls. Or perhaps, just perhaps, he has left comments here under another name and doesn't need to send emails to the owner of the blog, because...

Anonymous said...

Paul, you can publish my last comment here and have a couple of people see it, or I can publish it on my blog and have around 2500 people a day see it. Which would you prefer?

the tefl enquirer said...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
once upon a time, from out of nowhere very special , "little brain" decided one day he would walk towards his associate (i dont say friend since he had none) "big-brain's" house- but how would little brain get there he asked himself? "how oh how will i ever get to "big-brain's" wailed "little brain"

then, uncharcteristic as this may sound, little brain had an idea. it would have been a really good idea and orginal too, except that he had read it on the back of a matchbox, so it wasnt really his own idea, but, thought SB at least it IS an idea.

do you want to know what SB's BIG idea was readers? yes you doooooo!

well keep posted to this blog and i will no doubt tell you ........ in due course, remember i dont like to be rushed

keep reading
Posted by sandysadvain at 07:08 0 comments
case closed
get set...........
Posted by sandysadvain at 06:56 0 comments
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sssssssssssburglar said...

Wednesday, 24 September 2008
TEFL Tedious English Fart's Lament

oh dear oh dear, sad sandy insane
the desert had deserted him except inside his name
his fans turned out to be well ...just him
no others in the game
he sat and wrote up blogs and blogs
which like the globe did spin
back and forth to sandy
from sandy unto him (again)
but wait who is this "hammer" ?
No, its the same old weary waste of flesh
that burned out washed-up spammer
Posted by sadsandyinvain at 10:39 0 comments
Labels: nowheretohideville

Anonymous said...

Is the impression of Inspector Clousseau's boss from the Pink Panther films deliberate?

Anonymous said...

No, Alex; it's just the inevitable result of somebody who has lost his marbles - and his medication!

Get back in yer box, Paulie - before the men in white coats come for you AGAIN!!