What a silly Billy to post on Dave's ESL Cafe. The list will be tidied up when I've time and put into a more coherent order but take a look at the postings. Billy Bee as you can see left HCT this year and now works for Zayed University as stated above. This guy just can't keep quiet. Lots of nice leads here and I'm sure HCT would not be impressed to read what he has to say about them.
The email addresses above should be used to inform the abuse department at HCT. I doubt Zayed University would be too happy with their new recruit either.
Thanks Billy.
HCT Workload
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:37 am Post subject: Reply with quote
If you get a good timetable, you can be in at 8 A.M. and out by 2 P.M. Pay no attention to the rubbish about being tied to your desk for eight hours per day. Nobody at my college ever does that - except the brown-nosers, of course.
Here's a tip - never switch off your computer, and leave a jacket or jumper on the back of your chair. And never tidy your desk or say goodbye when you leave for the day.
Well, it's worked for me - for the past seven years, anyway!!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:52 pm Post subject: TeflTrade no more? Reply with quote
Am I the only one to have noticed that Sandy McManus, the apparently disgruntled EFL teacher behind TeflTrade and Sandy's UK TEFL Blog, has thrown in the towel?
Go pay your respects here, if you wish.
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PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 4:41 pm Post subject: Sandy Reply with quote
I think you'll find the incorrigible Tefl-basher has resurfaced here...
Long may he live amongst us!!
ZU Payrise - not for foreigners!!BillyBee
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:42 pm Post subject: ZU Payrise - not for foreigners!! Reply with quote
Yes, it would seem that the ZU chancellor, Dr S al-J, has expressed his thanks to his hardworking foreign faculty by awarding them a measly 5% payrise. Meanwhile, Emirati faculty will get a rather more impressive 28% extra in their pay-packets. Cool, eh?!
Quite how this fine example of financial racism will go down at the ZU campus is not too clear yet. We are awaiting comments from ZU faculty - if they haven't handed in their notice yet. According to yesterday's copy of The National newspaper, the chancellor was unavailable for comment on his shrewd move. Maybe he's been sacked already for this enormous blunder?!
You can read the full article here:
Meanwhile, I have informed my contacts at The Guardian and the Times Higher Education Supplement of this example of blatant racism in the field of education. I mean, it's not as if the locals are even worth the extra 20-odd percent, is it?!?! Hopefully, a bit of world-wide coverage (and global humiliation) will force ZU to back down - something they are quite good at, so I hear.
Now come on, you ZU academics - let us know what you're thinking and planning right now!
Last edited by BillyBee on Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:36 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Such a move would also seriously jeopardize accreditation in the U.S. Since ZU is accredited by one of the US accrediting agencies (Middle States), you should forward your concerns to them as well. Get ZU unaccredited or at least put on probation.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:38 pm Post subject: Good news! Reply with quote
Very good news indeed! A contact of mine in the (inter)national UK press is very interested in the story. However, they need some sort of proof of the details before committing themselves to print.
So, if a ZU inmate would like to PM me, and supply a copy of the e-mail sent out advising of the payrises, and the discrepancies of course, I would be very grateful.
I'm waiting for you!! I can't help you further without this piece of information.
Billy Bee
PS: Bad news travels fast. I just found this on ZU's Wikipedia entry...
CONTROVERSY Zayed University has recently come under fire for allegedly implementing a divisive pay policy. According to the UAE newspaper The National on August 19, 2008, local Emirati staff are to receive a 28% pay award, whereas foreign faculty will only receive 5%. The response to this has been, predictably, one of outrage, and many observers have reported that the university's vice-president, Dr Al-Jassim, will soon be removed after such a large gaffe.
Last edited by BillyBee on Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:08 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Whoever made that entry in Wikipedia should realize that Etisalat has records of every link --- made by every computer terminal in the country --- and that tracking entries like this is child's play.
The UAE is a generally open and tolerant country, in my experience. I personally suspect whoever made that entry, though --- is dancing on a very thin line.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:50 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Presumably it's also racist offering housing allowances, air tickets and school fees to foreigners.
Why not opt to go onto Emirati staff terms and conditions?
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Tumblashu's parents
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:09 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
So it's a good point, is it? All right, then let management simply stop offering housing and school fees. Then settle back and see how many Westerners they can hire to teach classes and run things for them. Fine--let the Emiratis educate themselves and do their own work.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:32 am Post subject: Reply with quote
So it is OK to be racist - as long as it does not negatively impact on westerners (aka whites)??
Wow, THAT is a real quantum jump in logic.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:32 am Post subject: Dress Code 007 Reply with quote
Rumour has it that in order to attract a more relaxed type of teacher, one that will work for peanuts (a.k.a Tefl Tourists), HCT has revamped its dress code. The new orthodoxy is beach wear for men and women, with either open-toed-sandals or flip-flops quite acceptable. Ridiculous headgear is an optional extra, though, and tattoes (on women) and body piercings (on men) are still frowned upon. Except for management positions, of course...
Hey, don't laugh - THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:26 am Post subject: Peanuts for Monkeys Reply with quote
Yes, I reckon you're right, MM. A couple of my pals applied for jobs at the HCT last year, but pulled out after getting the job offer, as they received better offers from Hong Kong. So HCT are probably now taking a look at the rest of the pile of applicants, not just the top ten percent.
This is the problem that HCT faces now - getting quality teachers for mediocre salaries. Unless they raise their cash incentives to match those of other educational institutes in the world (by about 50% in my opinion), they'll always find problems in recruiting.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:00 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Hilarious stuff!! Oh if only it weren't true, though! Please PM me the names and numbers of these loonies so that I can interview them for a UK teaching magazine. PLEASE!!
On a more general note, one thing about EFL teaching that surprises me in particular is that there is an unhealthy insistence on 'correct' methods, and if your supervisor doesn't approve of yopur particular classroom style and approach, you'll be given a hard time.
Let's face it, if the students pass at the end of the year, and the grades they get are similar to the grades they got the year before, who's to say that one method is better than another? It's plainly ridiculous.
I had a similar case back home several years back - an unqualified 'academic manager' who had taken a dislike to me and thought she would try and demolish me in the observed lesson feedback. Fortunately I had suspected this, that she would give me a rough ride whatever I did, and I was well prepared - very well prepared indeed.
Needless to say, SHE was the one who emerged from the meeting crying!!
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:01 am Post subject: Reply with quote
New HR Policy on 'terminations' is as follows...
End of Service Payment Calculations
On conclusion of the employment with the HCT, for all cases of termination/ resignation/ non-renewal of contract by the employee or by HCT, the end of service payment shall be calculated as on the last working day of the employee with the HCT. All compensation and benefits payments and / or deduction shall be calculated as on the last working day.
Which basically means that, even if the contract states that your final day is the end of July, you won't be paid for those remaining six weeks. Your last day at college is now your last day for pay - so no holiday pay?!
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:29 am Post subject: Reply with quote
BELS, it's a complete waste of time trying to make a living from TEFL in the UK, so don't even bother trying. I know because I was in a similar position and tried it several years back, and since then salaries for teaching EFL have either gone down or stagnated at best!
It's Ok if just one of you teaches EFL, using it to provide a second income, but nothing more. As you rightly noted, it's not a profession, more of a sweatshop, with low wages and limited job security. It sucks, in other words!
In that case, you're best to turn your back on the UK completely, as I did, and head for the Gulf. If you have the right qualifications (minimum PGCE or Diploma), you can earn about 2000 quid a month for starters, plus there are a load of benefits such as free accommodation and paid school fees for the kids.
These are the proper colleges and universities I'm talking about, typically in the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, even Oman (best to avoid Saudi, for obvious reasons). There are plenty of private language schools and other 'business colleges' too, but these are only useful as a 'stepping stone' to a better position, being poorly run and equipped.
That's what I recommend you do. Give it some real thought. The UAE is the most liberal of the above countries, with Qatar a close second, in my opinion. Your wife won't be forced to stay at home all day, wear a headscarf, or only travel with a chaperone. She can even work!
Do some research on the web, and you'll be sure to find something - I know you will, as there are many teachers here who share similar situations. Or just PM me and ask your questions!
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 3:01 pm Post subject: Tubby the Great One Reply with quote
There are no management problems at HCT. The only problems are the teachers themselves. Tubby the Kamel is Our Great Leader, also known as The Wise One. He alone is capable to sort out all those bolshy teachers, who will find themselves banished to teaching on Diploma Foundations forever, at some remote corner of the HCT empire. Tubby won't actually fire them, because hiring new ones will involve more expense. Or then again, maybe he will? Who can tell what is in the mind of Our Great Leader (Praise Be Upon Him)?
The 70% - The facts
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:17 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
More facts:
1. There ain't gonne be no pay rise - not now, nor next year!
2. School fees are due to rise by double-figures percentages, but there'll be NO increase to help teachers cope with it - and that's VERY official.
3. Gas prices will rise too - probably doubling in a year.
4. The time to get out of the UAE / HCT etc., is now - before you sign on for another three years of DEFINITELY WORSENING CONDITIONS!
5. Don't say you weren't warned!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:47 pm Post subject: HCTs gagging order Reply with quote
Big news today is that HCT staff have been prohibited from speaking to the media. Apparrently, certain staff members have been 'tapped up' by the newspapers and radio, etc, in an effort to get news about HCT. It's more likely, of course, that the teachers went to the media, rather than the other way round, but ... who knows?
What could the media possibly be interested in? HCT's wonderful VC and his much-admired management style? Several supervisors have been either fired or downgraded recently, so it could be a case of sour grapes.
Or maybe it's the teachers, who also have a serious grievance. Many of them have refused to renew their contracts, and with good reason too. New staff were employed at 'enhanced' starting rates in September, due to the difficulty HCT found in finding the numbers of teachers to replace those who took part in the 'Great Exodus' last year.
You might think that the management would offer suitably 'enhanced' contracts for staff renewing their contracts this year, wouldn't you? Well, think again - this is HCT! It only offered the normal increments, meaning that teachers with, for example, four years experience at HCT, would actually be earning LESS money than those with one year of experience!!
And who is responsible for this exemplery case of college management shooting itself in the foot? Look no further than - the VC!
So, don't go gossipping to the press, will you? And keep away from this forum too!
Ooh, err...!!
Last edited by BillyBee on Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hct contract renewals
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:19 pm Post subject: HCT Contract Renewals Reply with quote
Many of us here at HCT are in the same somewhat precarious boat concerning our contract renewals - i.e., we're still waiting for news!
In the past, all contract renewals were done and dusted by early March at the latest. This year, however, there is as yet no sign of that slip of paper - although the management has, of course, given a handful of unconvincing reasons for the delay.
However, what does seem clear from recent management smoke signals this year is this - contract renewals will depend on teachers being 'flexible' on their placement venue!
So, expect to find yourself re-allocated to Ruwais or Madinat Zayed. Any refusal of their generous offer will be interpreted as insubordination by HCT VC Tubby the Camel, and will involve termination of your contract - yes, the one you just refused.
As we all know, any termination like that means a loss of your gratuity - which could be substantial for some of those 'old-timers' who have been here since the 1990s.
Some offer, eh? Some management style!
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 3:59 pm Post subject: smart arses?! Reply with quote
SIA may well be quick off the mark with his smart-arse comments, but at least they are amusing and contain a seed of truth. In contrast, VS just rolls out the usual tired cliches in support of the status quo, and from the perspective of somebody who has never had to worry about anyone but herself - typical spoilt selfish yankee, I'd say!
Fact is, I have stated that I wish to renew my current contract at the college where I currently work. To offer me a contract at another place is not ethical, and impractical for my purposes. Living in the desert, my wife loses her job here in the city, and where do I get my kids educated?
VS, as you've been out of the loop for so long, you probably don't know that HCT now expects its teachers to offer one academic year as notice. Leaving in the middle of the academic year is now not allowed. That would entail me living in the desert for a year, probably sending my wife and kids home, and living all by myself. Not really attractive at all.
Unless, of course, you'd like to come and share my life for a year, eh?!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:02 pm Post subject: Paul Lowe, Windsor Schools Reply with quote
I'm copying this from another EFL forum...
The latest I've heard on Paul Lowe and Windsor Schools is this:
It is Easter and Lowe and behold, the lowest of the Lowe as he is known (sources will NOT be named so don’t push me) has apparently been carted off to the local hospital for trying to TOP HIMSELF!!
Let us all hope for the sake of what’s left of the TEFL Industry there is NO resurrection!
And this it seems is not all, as sources close to the old viper say that he has been on antidepressants for YEARS and his "I’m right about everything" stance and pomposity is really just a front for the coward and a liar that he is!
The Lowe-Life is in RIGHT STATE according to the inside sources and the Lowe clan are a’ weeping and a’ wailing at his bedside - HAHA!!
Credit where credit is due, as the SOURCE says the NOBLE LAIRD OF LARD [TEFL Blacklist] is his top enemy and the one that really gets him foaming at the mouth!! Only a close SECOND is Lord ALEX of CASE- BLESS HIS GOLDEN TEFL LOYAL HEART!!
So let's strike while the iron is hotter than a tart's phone on a Stag Night and stick the boot in lads!
I know it sounds a bit harsh but the old f**er deserves everything he gets!
I've idea who this 'Tefl-lad' is, but he appears to be close to the source. Can anyone else corroborate his assertions?
If PL is ineed in hospital after attempting to commit suicide, I feel very sorry for him. Clearly he needs help, and I hope he is able to recognise that now, and that he gets it.
Either way, it's certainly a case of 'Game Over', I feel...
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:59 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
If you quit during your probationary year, you're buggered, financially speaking. You'll get no 'gratuity' (month's salary), and will have to repay most of the 30,000 smackers they gave you to furnish your apartment.
So, financially, it's better to just 'disappear' one night - if you feel morally comfortable with that, of course. Otherwise, tell them that you are leaving at the end of the semester, and take the financial hit - you'll lose badly!
Incidentally, why are you chosing to leave so soon? Do you have anything interesting to tell us?!
Pray tell...
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:54 pm Post subject: Q&Q Reply with quote
I think this is a repeat of the 'Quantity versus Quality' argument that probably gets aired at the Higher Education Ministry every year or so.
There is a story that every year a huge kerfuffle takes place regarding the poor quality of the graduates. There is then a move to cap the number of students, effectively keeping out the dross and focusing on properly educating those bright ones. Good move, eh?!
However, come August, some of the influential Sheikhs start rattling their sabres, because their dim boss-eyed offspring can't get a place to study, and what are we gonna do with poor little Mahra (and Hamda, and Sara, etc...)? So all the numbskulls get put onto Foundations Courses to teach them how to tell the time and do colouring-in on the computers.
If they bothered to educate their offspring properly in the first place, from Primary level up, this would not take place. But nobody listens. And so the charade continues. Pitiful, eh?!